Sit All Day? The Open Book Stretch Can Give Your Stiff, Sore Back Much-Needed Relief

Spinal mobility is one of those things you don’t think about until it’s compromised. But, once you’re faced with back pain, a stiff shoulder, or a tweaked neck, it’s the only thing on your mind.
The open book stretch is not only a tool you can reach for when you’re hurting, but it’s also a mobility exercise you can use proactively to maintain everyday functionality and prevent potential issues in the future.
Spinal mobility is just like other aspects of physical fitness in that you “use it or lose,” according to Jessie Duppler, PT, DPT, doctor of physical therapy and creator of the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution program for cyclists.
“Our spine will start to decrease some of its range of motion and get stiffer,” she says. “When the spine is stiff, we have to ask something else to make up for it. That’s when we start to see tightening of the muscles and pain. Also, muscles that have to do too many jobs or stabilize the spine too much can’t generate as much force, so then we start to see decreases in strength.”
To better understand the benefits of the open book stretch, how to do it properly, and which common mistakes to avoid, we chatted with Duppler and Hilary Granat, PT, DPT, doctor of physical therapy and owner of C.O.R.E. Physical Therapy in Washington, D.C. Here’s what you need to know.

How to do the open book stretch
Despite its moniker, the open book stretch is more of a mobility drill than a static stretch.
“Most people need to learn how to move and less how to just stretch or be in a static position,” Duppler says.
She recommends that most people steadily flow in and out of the open book stretch for two sets of 10 reps per side.
However, if using the open book position as a static stretch feels beneficial—like it’s relieving pain or loosening tightness—you can also hold the end range of motion (the “open” position) for 20 to 30 seconds.
“When it comes to muscle physiology, it typically takes at least 20 seconds for the brain to allow a muscle to lengthen,” Duppler explains.
Photo: Jessie Duppler, PT, DPT

Lie on your left side with your arms extended in front of you at shoulder height. Allow your top arm to rest on your bottom arm.
Keeping your legs stacked, bring your knees to about hip height (go lower if it’s more comfortable) and bend them about 90 degrees. Tuck your hips slightly so your lower back isn’t overextended.
Allow your head to rest on the ground. (If it’s more comfortable, place a small pillow or rolled-up towel under your head.)
Without moving your hips and legs (gently squeezing the knees together can help keep the lower body from shifting), rotate your trunk to the right as you open up your chest and shoulders and raise your right arm. Follow your right hand with your eyes as you draw it up and down toward the floor.
Pause briefly in the “open” position, then rotate back toward the starting position and rest your right arm on top of your left.
Repeat for up to 10 reps, then switch sides.
Complete 2 sets of 10 reps per side.

Benefits of the open book stretch
Primarily, the open book stretch promotes spinal mobility. Lying on the ground alleviates some of the spine’s compression, allowing the joints to move more easily, Duppler explains.
“It helps the joints learn how to rotate on each other, which we need in order to move and rotate,” she says, noting that spinal rotation is necessary for everything from walking and everyday activities to sports like golf and tennis.
Improving your spinal mobility can create a positive ripple effect throughout your upper body because your shoulder is connected to your thoracic spine (mid back), which is connected to both your cervical spine (the neck) and your lumbar spine (lower back).
“There are many benefits of increasing mobility and flexibility of the thoracic spine, including decreasing low back pain, increasing shoulder mobility, decreasing shoulder joint restrictions, and improving posture and spinal alignment,” Granat says. “If you sit a lot and complain that your back is stiff or sore, this is a great exercise for you.”
The open book stretch can also improve your breathing.
“It helps open up the rib cage,” Duppler says. “So if you ever feel like you’re constricted and want to work on breathing, it’s a good position for you.”
Simply slowing down the exercise and synching your breathing patterns with each movement can encourage deeper, diaphragmatic breathing.
Additionally, the open book stretch can help diversify your movement patterns. There are three planes of motion, or directions in which we move: sagittal (forward and backward), frontal (side to side), and transverse (rotational). Between walking, climbing stairs, sitting, and standing, we spend most of our time in the sagittal plane.
“The open book stretch gets us out of being in a forward position and puts us in a rotational position,” Duppler says. “It allows us to rotate in a way we typically don’t.”
“There are many benefits of increasing mobility and flexibility of the thoracic spine, including decreasing low back pain, increasing shoulder mobility, decreasing shoulder joint restrictions, and improving posture and spinal alignment. If you sit a lot and complain that your back is stiff or sore, this is a great exercise for you.” —Hilary Granat, PT, DPT

Common mistakes to avoid when doing the open book stretch
To ensure you’re doing the open book stretch safely and effectively, avoid these common mistakes:

Not engaging your neck. “You want your neck [the cervical spine] to be a continuation of your thoracic spine,” Granat says. She instructs her patients to keep their eyes on their hand as they lift their arm and open up into the pose.
Forcing an uncomfortable position. If keeping your hips and knees at 90-degree angles is uncomfortable, adjust your position. “Depending on how close your knees are to your chest, it’ll change which part of your back is getting more of the mobility. So find a spot that feels most comfortable for you,” Duppler says.
Shallow breathing or breath holding. “Think about breathing posteriorly and laterally into the ribcage,” Granat says. So, as you inhale, imagine your ribs are expanding in all directions, not just forward and out. “Breathing this way can improve mobility of the spine, reduce stress, and help with digestion.”
Arching your back. If your back feels tweaked in the open book position, you may be tilting your pelvis too far forward. “If you feel like it’s bothersome in that position, just make sure you tuck your hips a little bit so your back is not so arched,” Duppler says.
Pushing past a comfortable range of motion. The open book stretch should feel good, not punishing, Duppler says. It’s normal to feel a deep stretching sensation in the back and front of your chest and shoulders, but don’t force yourself into a position you can’t comfortably hold for a few seconds.
Rushing. “I see too many people rush through this exercise, and then they don’t get the full benefits,” Granat says. “You want to give your body time to settle into the stretch so you are more likely to gain more movement.”

Who should (and shouldn’t) do the open book stretch?
The open book stretch is appropriate and beneficial for most people, but there are a few caveats.
If you have any injuries (including recent surgeries) that involve your back, neck, hips, shoulders, or pectoral (chest) muscles, check with your doctor or physical therapist before performing the open book stretch. And, regardless of any injuries, if you feel pain when doing the open book stretch (beyond mild discomfort that goes away when you shift your positioning), stop immediately.
Generally speaking, people with osteoporosis should avoid movements that combine lumbar flexion (bending forward at the waist) with rotation. If you have osteoporosis, you may still be able to do the open book stretch with some adjustments to the position of your feet, but get the green light from your doctor first.

Why is it important to continually work on spinal mobility?
“As we age, we lose flexibility and mobility in our joints, especially if we are not doing exercises to prevent it. Increased thoracic kyphosis [a slouched posture due to increased spinal flexion] is very common due to years of maintaining poor posture and prolonged sitting positions,” Granat says.
This kind of hunching isn’t just an aesthetic issue—it can lead to serious problems related to functional mobility.
“This increased kyphosis and loss of thoracic mobility can cause muscle imbalances and degenerative changes to our spine,” Granat says.
In other words, it can lead to pain and loss of physical capabilities, which can rob you of the activities you enjoy and threaten your independence.
“But, maintaining the mobility and strength of our thoracic spine can delay the process of degeneration that naturally happens as we age,” she says.
So, consider the open book stretch an investment in your future health and happiness.

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