Nigella Lawson Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Workout, Before & After

Nigella Lawson, an American food writer famous for her delightful recipes, has gained quite a bit of attention not just for her cooking skills, but for something else remarkable as well.

Recently, she underwent an impressive transformation by shedding a significant amount of weight. This newfound fame didn’t come only from her recipes, but from her dedication to improving her health.

In the past years, Lawson faced challenges related to her health due to her increasing weight. Despite these struggles, she remained engrossed in her work, which prevented her from giving ample attention to her well-being.

Then, something pivotal occurred that led Nigella to recognize the importance of prioritizing her health. This realization prompted her to take action, resulting in a remarkable weight loss of 2 stones, which is about 28 pounds.

When Nigella made a public appearance after a considerable time, her noticeably slimmer figure surprised many people.

This transformation not only showcases her commitment to a healthier lifestyle but also serves as an inspiring example for others who may be facing similar challenges.

One of the British chefs Nadiya Hussain also went through a weight loss journey and lost more than 40 pounds.

Nigella Weight Loss Journey

It all began with a surgery. Nigella faced a challenge with a bunion, a foot issue, and decided it was time to address it. She opted for a double bunion surgery, a procedure that corrects a problem near the big toe on the foot.

Her doctors advised her to rest until her feet were completely healed. During this recovery period, while Nigella was confined to her bed, she had a realization: this was an opportune moment to tackle her struggles with obesity.

During that time, Lawson embarked on a journey to lose weight and transform her body for the better. She achieved this by making some positive choices. We’ll delve into those choices shortly, but before that, let’s address a misconception about her.

There’s a common misunderstanding among her fans. Some believe that Nigella’s weight loss came from undergoing weight loss surgery.

However, as we mentioned earlier, the surgery she had was related to her bunion issue. It was only after recovering from that surgery that she embarked on her weight loss journey.

How did Lawson lose weight?

Nigella is a famous American chef. She’s also the author of multiple cookbooks. And as you can expect, most of the time Lawson would be surrounded by many delicious dishes. That none of us can say no to. There must be a concept in your mind that says ‘losing weight without a strict diet plan is very hard. Well, Lawson proved this concept to be wrong.

She literally lost weight without a well-planned diet plan. In fact, she appears to be against these diet plans by her statements.

Nigella said, “No one should be put on this earth to go on a diet.” She said, “As for myself, I have never been on a diet to try to lose weight.”

After reading this, there must be a question in your mind. ‘Well, then how did she lose weight?’ Here is how:

What did Nigella Eat?

While Lawson seems to be against the diet plan but she preaches healthy eating. Here is her simple philosophy, by following a diet plan we worry too much about making our dining table green that we forget the main reason that we started it. To lose weight. She said, “Don’t put much pressure on yourself.”

Of course, we all know that consuming fast food is not good for our health in any way. But being paranoid about every kind of food is not good as well. Lawson said, “I am disgusted by the notion of clean eating because it implies that any other form of eating is dirty or shameful.”

There are other celebrities Chef who also shocked fans with their weight loss transformation such as Rachael Ray and Nancy Fuller.

Diet Plan

In her ideas, Nigella maintains a balanced diet. That is the major way she lost weight through. Lawson said about following a balanced diet that “I wouldn’t want a life where I lived on chia seed pudding, just as I wouldn’t want to live where I lived on eggs benedict or steak or chips.”

She loves cakes and sweets but she also loves green vegetables. Chef star said, “I’m an avocado obsessive and I love Kale.”

She loves homemade food. Lawson often tries new recipes. “It is a celebration of home cooking, my books come out of my life.” Said Nigella.

She is also a chicken fan. Lawson described her love for food as “I love traditional food, and I’m never going to complain about having a pie! Roast chicken is my favorite food.” She further said “I think we are very open to different tastes and cuisines and looking at fresh ways to eat in this country. And I think that is something to be celebrated.”

Nigella’s way of eating can be concluded by her statement “I don’t like extremes. I think that’s the real truth. I think that food should not be used as a way of persecuting oneself and I think really one should look to get pleasure about what’s good.”

Workout Plan

Nigella also maintained her workout plan as a diet plan. She kept it balanced. Lawson’s said “I’m a simple person. I don’t like to put unnecessary pressure on myself. Doing yoga three times a week. I have to do something I enjoy, otherwise, I wouldn’t do it.” Yoga is a very good way of losing pounds and being at peace.

Lawson said “The older I get the more I realize I have got to do lots of stretching. So even if I’m not doing yoga, I make myself do lots of stretching.”

She further said “As you get on in life you start to feel that your old values are changing. You start to value feeling well as opposed to looking well. Yoga is a very good way of being healthy but because of my age I do it a bit slow.” Lawson’s way of losing weight is very balanced, free, and ideal.

Before & After Weight Loss

With the help of a balanced diet and workout plan, Nigella succeeded in losing 28 pounds. Her current weight is 165 pounds. Lawson has transformed her body in a very great way.

Final Words

We feel alarmed whenever we read the term weight loss. Because we think that it requires a lot of effort to lose weight.

We think that requires our mere identity, our eating habits, and our daily routine. But as you would agree, after reading Lawson’s journey, this is not the case.

Nigella proved it in a very good way that you must not put an unnecessary burden on yourself. She taught us that you can be fully yourself and yet succeed in getting in healthy shape.

However, one thing that must be mentioned here is whenever “enjoying food” is mentioned you must note that unhealthy food such as fast food will always contribute to your weight in unhealthy ways. Therefore, it should be avoided.

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The post Nigella Lawson Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Workout, Before & After appeared first on Heal How.

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