Kirsten Vangsness Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Before & After

Kirsten is not only a talented actress but has also been making headlines for an incredible transformation in her life.

You might recognize her from the hit series, Criminal Minds, where she played the beloved character Penelope Garcia. But while she was busy portraying this character, she was also on a personal journey to improve her health.

During this time, Kirsten has undergone a remarkable physical transformation that has left fans in awe.

She’s shed a significant amount of weight, and the change has been nothing short of extraordinary. Let’s dive into the inspiring details of Kirsten Vangsness’ transformation.

Also, find out how Luke Combs fought anxiety and obesity at the same time.

Kirsten Vangsness Weight loss journey

Kirsten has been struggling with her weight since she was just a child. She was also bullied for that reason when she was in school.

As a result of a bully, Vangsness has been a quiet kid even in her teenage years. However, this changed when she started acting and that was the moment she took charge of her life.

In 2014, while busy in the making of Criminals Minds, the actress finally decided to lose weight. So far the fans have debated over the reason Kirsten started her weight loss journey.

However, in an interview, Vangsness cleared the doubts and she said “I lost some weight. I did it by reading a book and listening to a podcast by Renee Stephens. So there. Go forth and educate thyself.”

As it appears Renee Stephens has been the real inspiration for Kirsten. If you don’t know Stephens, she is a weight loss coach and a trainer. Her name is the hope for the people who have tried everything and have given up because of despair.

Throughout the journey of weight loss, Kirsten’s character Penelope has motivated her and has given her good strength.

She praised the character in the following way “There’s the size thing, the nerdy thing, then I’m going to dress like this, I’m not going to play dumb. Sexuality comes from her sense of self, and I love that about her. I sort of borrow from her because she is comfortable”. She further said, “It has given me great strength.”

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How did Kirsten Vangsness lose weight?

Kristen sought the guidance of Renee to embark on her weight loss journey, and she diligently followed the diet plan that Renee suggested. What sets Renee’s approach apart from others is her unique strategy.

According to Renee, the essential first step in losing weight is establishing a strong and mindful relationship with the food you consume. While this idea might seem a bit unusual at first glance, it makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Many of us go through our daily lives without paying much attention to what we eat or drink. This lack of awareness often leads us to consume a lot of unhealthy foods without even realizing it.

In addition to adjusting her eating habits, Vangsness also took the initiative to join a gym. She committed to working out there daily, incorporating exercise into her routine as part of her weight loss journey.

Diet Plan

Renee’s strategy simply says that first, you should choose a healthy diet. After choosing what you would eat for your daily routine you can build a relationship with that food.

You can establish a feeling that this is what I eat. Obviously, if it is a healthy food it will give you a sense of pride and will make you continue your diet plan.

This was simply the strategy of Renee and Vangness followed. Kirsten chose healthy food for her daily life, for breakfast, she would have a juice of vegetables and some light snacks.

For lunch and dinner, Vangsness chose to eat a salad of green vegetables. This gave her a sense of love for the food.

In just 6 weeks of Renee’s course, Kirsten made very great progress. A diet plan is one of the most crucial parts of any bodyweight loss journey.

Just doing exercise would not help, similarly just following a diet plan will not make a great difference.

It is the combination of both that a person can achieve success in this matter. As for Vangsness, she made a very big difference with the combination of the two.

Workout Plan

When the interviewer asked Kirsten about her workout, she said “I joined a gym where I would do multiple workouts.”

She said something very strange that nobody expected, Kirsten further said “I ride a unicorn”. When she was asked about what she meant, the actress elaborated “I pretend that I am riding a unicorn when I am doing deadlifts.”

While in the gym Kirsten would do all stuff for losing weight. She did a lot of push-ups and pull-ups. Joining a gym is very effective as it has all the equipment to lose weight and also trainers.

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Before & After Weight Loss

Renee’s weight loss plan proved to be incredibly effective, helping the actress shed a whopping 50 pounds – and that’s a major achievement! Just before starting the program, Kirsten weighed in at 200 pounds, but now, she’s down to around 150 pounds.

As you can see in the photos, the difference is striking, and Kirsten’s hard work in losing weight has paid off remarkably.

Even after the official program ended, Kirsten remained committed to her diet and workout routines, and as a result, she’s in fantastic shape now.

Interestingly, the actress has also embraced a vegan lifestyle as part of her journey towards a slimmer figure.

She shared her thoughts on her progress, saying, “It feels amazing to be slimmer. I’ve experienced it, and I absolutely love it.” It’s clear that Kirsten is determined to maintain her newfound slimness and overall health.


If you are struggling with anything in your life. Let it be weight, failure, or any other thing. The simple rule is don’t give up. The way Kirsten did not give up. She continued fighting obesity and she succeeded at last.

When confronted with anything difficult most people tend to overthink in place of doing something about it. We make the problem bigger by simply thinking a lot. In most cases, the problem is very small when decided to solve it.

So, if you are feeling overweight, don’t panic and don’t overthink the fact. This is a normal problem of the 21st century a lack of physical work.

There are many ways you can fight back against obesity. You can either follow the Vangsness story or any other person from the list on this website. Or you can create one for yourself.
The post Kirsten Vangsness Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Before & After appeared first on Heal How.

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