Agent 00 Weight Loss 2023: Diet, Workout, Before & After

Agent 00 (Din Muktar) is a famous YouTuber/Gamer. Through NBA 2K gaming he has gained hundreds of thousands of fans.

However, recently Agent 00 has successfully lost 100 pounds which has put him on the spot. The news spread like fire after Agent uploaded a video on his Vlog channel, Agent 01.

His video title read How I lost 100 lbs. in Under a Year Eating What I wanted. That was a bit of a surprise. Because, yeah losing 100 pounds was kind of a cool thing but Eating What I Wanted? That’s what made his fans go crazy.

Whenever we hear the words Weight Loss it is hard to not think about eating a bowl of green vegetables and sweating badly in the gym. That’s what we have come to believe that weight loss is all about, however, the reality is different. Let’s find out the story behind Agent 00’s weight loss.

How Agent 00 gain weight?

At one point in his life, Agent’s weight crossed 300 pounds. As Agent said, “I was 332 pounds at my biggest.” It raises the question of how a basketball lover Youtuber will end up 332 pounds.

Well, here is the story in Agent 00’s own words “I love food and everything. When I don’t eat, I’m thinking about when I would eat. Food is that delicious to me.”

He continued, “When I got to Uni, I thought to myself that I am free to eat what I want to. And that’s when things got crazy. I was eating chips like every day. I moved into a suburb east of Toronto and they had all the most glorious fast-food restaurants. They had every type of imaginable food and I had zero control. Every night I would end up spending $30 on food. That’s how I gained so much weight.”

There is always a bad habit behind a bad outcome. As in Agent’s case, it was food. He reached a very unhealthy situation where it was necessary that he should leave his habit of eating excessive food.

When did Agent 00 start his weight loss journey?

With the passage of time, things started getting even worse. The Agent said in his YouTube video “My condition was very bad. I couldn’t even climb the 20 steps stairs. I was very upset with myself”.

Even his YouTube career came into danger because of being obese. He couldn’t get on with the schedule of his video-making.

Agent described the situation as “I’ve been working on YouTube since I was 12. So, there was a lot of hard work behind my YouTube career. And it was going in vain right in front of my eyes. This weight thing was really an obstacle in my career. I had a lot of content in my mind but my weight was holding me back.”

He further said “Whenever I felt overweight I would play Basketball. It was like therapy to myself. But this time it wasn’t working. When I passed like 280, I couldn’t even jump. Everything hurt. I knew that if I don’t work on my health, I’m not going to end up very well.” Hence, he started his weight loss journey which led him to shed 100 pounds.

Also Read: Chrissy Metz from 290 to 182 Pounds

How Agent lose weight?

Agent said at the start of his video that “I’m, not at any point, suggesting that you should try this, that I’m a nutritionist or a God damn doctor. I’m just saying what worked for me.” He further explained his journey “The first thing I had to do was control my bad habits. I started changing my bad habits.”

Agent moved to Atlanta. This was a big chapter in his weight loss journey. As his location changed so did a lot of habits. He got the opportunity to reframe his habits as he wanted to.

Jerod Mixon has lost around 300 Pounds. You will also love to read about his weight loss journey. There are many celebrities who have lost a lot of weight. Some of them are Alexandra Cane, Steve Howey, Willie Robertson, and Ralphie May.

Diet Plan

A healthy diet plan was very crucial in Agent’s weight loss journey. As his eating habits were not good. “Binge eating was my worst habit. I was always sitting on my filthy couch and binge eating. I put an end to my binge eating habit.” Said, Agent. At one point he was consuming 8000 calories daily.

At first, he tried to follow the Keto diet but it didn’t seem to work out for him. And Agent was addicted to the food he was having a very hard time keeping up with the Keto diet. But then he heard about Carnivore Diet which seemed to be a very good idea to him.

Agent 00 said, “I was worried about my health so much I was watching videos on how to lose weight. I watched a Joe Rogan podcast, in which Jordan Peterson was his guest. That’s where I first heard about Carnivore Diet.”

He defined his happiness as, “When I heard about the Carnivore diet, I couldn’t believe it. I was like ‘What? Is that all you have to do? Just eat meat? Man, this is like a dream to me.’ So, I would eat beef, chicken, and turkey. Like every day.”

Carnivore Diet is a diet plan in which you don’t consume carbs at all. The only thing that is allowed in Carnivore Diet is meat products. You only eat meat, fish, eggs, and other animal products. There is no consumption of vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts at all.

However, it should be clear that there is an appropriate limit on meat consumption. You cannot whole day eat meat. In this way, you are not going to end up very well.

Workout Plan

It wasn’t easy for Agent when it came to the workout plan. Because of his weight (332 pounds), the mere idea of doing a workout seemed a nightmare to Agent. But he had to take a step. For the good of his future. And that’s what he did.

“I didn’t run, I didn’t jump. I just walked. I walked a lot” Agent said. He continued, “I’ve got 3 cars and you can imagine how much it would be hard for a person to walk who loves driving and has got 3 cars.”

His YouTube fame also contributed in some way to his obesity. Agent 00 said, “When I started earning money from YouTube, like a lot of money, I started outsourcing my work. But I realized that this was not a good way of living.”

After this realization, he started doing his own work. He would clean the house himself. He would walk instead of taking a car. Agent didn’t join any gym but doing his own work with his hands helped him pretty well.

Before & After Weight Loss

Agent 00 achieved a remarkable transformation, losing an astounding 100 pounds in the short span of a year. He started his journey at 332 pounds and successfully slimmed down to approximately 190 pounds, all within just 12 months of dedicated effort and commitment to his health and well-being.

What did Agent say about his weight loss journey?

He seems to be very satisfied with his progress. Agent said, “I’m fast and I can do whatever I want to. I am not sluggish and intolerable like I was before”. He also advised his fans saying “Whenever, you feel hunger except for lunch or dinner time, it’s not hunger it’s your addiction. Your addiction of food. And if you ignore it, it will go away it won’t go up. It will fade away.”


Agent 00’s story of weight loss tells us that you can lose weight if you are consistent with yourself. He was consistent with following the Carnivore diet plan and look what results it produced for him.

I hope that YouTuber Agent’s story of weight loss helps you in finding out what is best for you.
The post Agent 00 Weight Loss 2023: Diet, Workout, Before & After appeared first on Heal How.

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